About Fitchburg State

A distant shot of the front of Hammond Hall

We're a public institution located in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, 致力于将高质量的专业课程与强大的文科和理科研究相结合.

Founded in 1894, 现有本科专业30多个,硕士专业22个, and 6,000 full and part-time students.

Get to Know Us

Facts and Figures


Our Leadership

Meet our president as well as our board of trustees, find office hours and schedules to public meetings. 

Our History

We've proudly served student populations since 1894. Learn a little bit of our humble beginnings.      

Institutional Learning Priorities (ILPs)

Through their complete educational experience, 美高梅(MGM)2288集团的毕业生将是创造性和批判性的思想家,他们将从各种学科和经验中学习的知识整合和交流,以增强他们的公民意识, personal and professional lives.

Accomplished through:

  • Foundational Skills and Disciplinary Breadth -学生将展示通识教育课程的学习成果.
  • Mastery in a Defined Body of Knowledge -学生将达到其专业或项目的专业学术目标.
  • Engagement with Campus and Community Life -学生将发展个人和专业技能, goals, 以及通过课外活动的行为道德标准.

Accomplished through:

  • Creative and Critical Thinking -学生将使用证据和背景来增加知识, reason ethically, assess the quality of information, solve problems, and innovate in imaginative ways.
  • Effective Communication -学生将仔细考虑并清晰地表达各种受众和目的的书面想法, spoken, technology-mediated, visual, or other forms of communication.
  • Integrative Learning -学生将运用他们知识的广度和深度, skills, and experience to address complex issues.

Accomplished through:

  • Respect for People and Cultures -学生将欣赏不同个人和团体的贡献和需求,并了解自己与当地其他人的团结, nationally, and globally.
  • Civic Participation in Wider Communities -学生将展示他们在社区内部和跨社区工作的能力, to apply their knowledge in the service of others, and to promote social justice.
  • Continuous Learning and Personal Growth -学生将带着自信和好奇心走向世界, 欣赏自己和他人的复杂身份, 并批判性地反思他们一生的经历,做出明智的选择,促进他们自己和更大社区的福祉.

Our Mission, Vision and Values


美高梅(MGM)2288集团致力于卓越的教学和学习,并在一个小型的学院环境中融合了文科和理科以及专业课程. 我们的综合性公立大学培养学生成为领导者, serve, 并通过培养终身学习、公民责任和全球责任取得成功. 美高梅(MGM)2288集团的教育超出了我们的课堂,还包括住宿, professional, and co-curricular opportunities. As a community resource, we provide leadership and support for the economic, environmental, social, 以及马萨诸塞州中北部和联邦的文化需求.


美高梅(MGM)2288集团将以其在当前和新兴领域的卓越教学和学习而获得全国认可, 因为它致力于通过教育改变人们的生活, and for its dedication to public service.

In order to achieve this, we will:

  • 通过课程创新和项目开发,让学生为全球社会做好准备
  • 通过投资于我们的教师和图书馆员追求知识,实现学术卓越, professional competency, and scholarship
  • 在图书馆和整个校园采用创新的技术,以最大限度地提高学生的学习
  • 创造一种多元化的文化,以满足地区的需要,并提高大学社区的个人和学术生活
  • 在我们的社区内建立伙伴关系,为我们的学生提供现实世界的机会,并为社区问题提供协作解决方案.

Core Values


为不同社会经济背景的学生提供机会,以追求负担得起的, quality education


Sustaining a supportive campus environment for students, faculty, staff, 在校友中,所有成员都能在个人和职业生活中成长和出类拔萃



我们的网站可能包含非美高梅(MGM)2288集团运营或维护的外部网站的链接. The university does not control, endorse, or assume any responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party websites. 包含任何链接并不意味着美高梅(MGM)2288集团认可其他链接到机构网站的内容.

Learn More...

Maps and Directions

Trying to find your way around campus? Access campus and building maps, 还有从外地到这里的最佳路线信息.
Read more about: Maps and Directions

University Police

我们通过建立伙伴关系和解决问题的策略来促进安全,努力提供模范的社区警务服务, security, and well-being of everyone on campus.
Read more about: University Police

Marketing and Integrated Communications

我们很高兴成为美高梅(MGM)2288集团新闻和信息的来源, as well as lead our communications, marketing, messaging, public relations and branding activities.